Komodo Dragon Enters Shed

Komodo Dragon Enters Shed

Welcome to another gripping episode of DID I TELL YOU ABOUT ALBATROSS, the space where golf, humor, and life's peculiar moments intersect. 

This week's conversation tees off with Alba’s intriguing uncertainty over past comments, quickly hooking into a hearty debate about golf equipment, where drivers take the center stage. The trio swings into action, discussing mind-blowing golf ball speeds and distances that veer into record-breaking territory. 

Episode Highlights :

00:00 Introduction to Komodo Dragon 

3:40: Jersey Jerry now named Joey Doughnuts

4:20: Professional simulator pros vs PGA TOUR PROS on Matts 

5:20: Spaghetti Challenge Origin 

9:10: Golf Plaque Installation at club 

9:37:- Spaghetti Challenge Update 

07:49: Customized ball markers for every episode.

18:20: Rumors about Nick and Andy's behavior spreading

18:58: “Shit Rocking” Great Band Name/ Ball marker / Tee Shirt 

21:10: for new 4 man Tournament DITYAMA.FM is doing 

21:20: Marker Locker Pitch 

23:00: show sayings recap: “F*ck Gorse”, Bunkers happen, See ya on the next tee, press, who the Fuck is Harry Cooper, Adderall and Salads, Calvin Peet Accurate Pimp

24:48: Who the F**k is Harry Cooper 

25:59: Floridas Symbol: “Crackhead walking an alligator, inside a Dollar General, next to a meth lab

26:00: Komodo Dragon in the C-store (SPIRIT ANIMAL ALERT) 

30:38: Giant lizard surprises shoppers, climbs store shelf.

39:09: Stump The Panda 

51:01: Worse Scandal 

55:00: Top High School Mascots

57:00: Price to drink ball water

58:08: Our chartable causes 

59:00: “According to Creen”

1:02: Flamethrowers and golf ball cannons

1:04: “No Trespassing, Violators will be met with a flamethrower” 

PGA Tour,longest drives,hole-in-one,golf records,albatross achievement,major championships,golf trivia,golf challenges,golf technique,swing analysis,golf legends,jack Nicklaus,Tiger Woods,golfing equipment,custom ball markers,golf course review,golf tips,golf strategy,top golfers,golf history,golf anecdotes,golf humor,golf statistics,